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sakshi indurkar


"Oh! but you don't watch Avengers!"

Yes, I don't watch action movies. I love soft-romantic movies rather than action movies be it ,Bollywood or Hollywood.

I couldn't relate to those movies. The representation of women in these moves is non-existent and they are barely seen. They are just a love interest or an sex-object for a man in lead. The rom-com films like the one that Shah-rukh khan does is usually marketed and catered towards women. I like them because it has an equal contribution of man and a women. In-fact, its emotional nature considering the vulnerabilities an responsibilities of women in the society.

These movie bring a certain sensibility and relatability factor in us women. Then why won't we watch such movies.

And then these men have a problem again! By calling these movies 'CHICK-FLICK" its again being insensitive and stereotyping the choices and hobbies of a women.


What about if a man wants to watch these movies.

If he enjoys them?

Patriarchy is not just harmful for women but equally disastrous for a men as well.Its atrocious to anticipate women purposefully shy away from watching such movies only not to generalized by these men.

As women or girls who enjoy such movies are considered dumb in the society.

Not every girl has, "IS BUTTER A CARB ?" brain, So please!

A similar analogy can be drawn for the Pink color.

According to Wikipedia, Chick-flick is a slang term, sometimes used pejoratively, for the film genre catered specifically to women's interests, and is marketed toward women demographics.

They generally tend to appeal more to a younger female audience and deals mainly with love and romance. Although many types of films may be directed toward a female audience, the term "chick flick" is typically used only in reference to films that contain personal drama and emotion or themes that are relationship-based (although not necessarily romantic, as films may focus on parent-child or friend relationships).

Feminists such as Gloria Steinem have objected to terms such as "chick flick" and the related genre term "chick lit", The film critique has called it derogatory.

The term chick flick has generated several negative responses from the modern feminist community. Most criticisms of the genre concentrate on the negative consequences that arise from gendering certain interests, in this case film. Author of The Chick Flick Paradox: Derogatory? Feminist? or Both?, Natalia Thompson, states that chick flicks are "an attempt to lump together an entire gender's interests into one genre."

While the tailoring of interests may seem helpful and natural, many critics argue that unnecessary gendering can have negative consequences on many different social groups.

There is evidence that gender stereotypes further perpetuated by the media can lead to discrimination against women and limit their "human and intellectual potential."

More criticisms of the term arise from actual content of the films in the chick flick genre and how the content affects society's perception of women. Some say that chick flicks are micro-aggressions.

What the hell is that?

Micro-aggressions are actions or exchanges that degrade a person based on his or her membership in a "race, gender, age, and ability."

The whole point of Feminisms is that everyone, men and women included is the freedom to choice and to not be judged for it.

Here is a list of some of my favorite rom-coms to watch on your periods or any time you want.( Wanted to mention this because I watch a lot of movies on my periods to escape the pain and the blood!)

  1. Clueless

  2. Legally Blonde

  3. The Notebook

  4. Pretty Woman

  5. Mean Girls

  6. 13 Going on 30

  7. Bridesmaids

  8. The Devil Wears Prada

  9. Easy A

  10. Miss Congeniality

  11. You've Got Mail

  12. Dirty Dancing

  13. Titanic

  14. The Proposal

  15. Breakfast at Tiffany's


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