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sakshi indurkar

Sex symbols: The agony and the Ecstasy

Do they say you're lucky if you are beautiful, Really?

There have been numerous sad stories revolving around these famously sex symbols, unsatisfied careers, unfaithful marriages and the never-ending sexism.

Be it Megan Fox, Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Monroe or Madhubala, we all have seen tragic fads happening to them.

There are few stories in Indian cinema as tragic as Madhubala’s life.

She was known for her stunning beauty and incredible body of work and the fact that died at the young age of 36.

She left the world with a story like no other and made sure that her name was remembered forever.

She could pull clothes that were termed "not so sanskari " enough.

This pic of hers rocking an off-shoulder dress is the proof!

Ufff! What a stunner. Utterly breathtaking!

She is often called the "Marilyn Monroe of India." The comparison was mostly based on their stunning beauty, adorable smiles and the tragedy in their personal lives.

This article portrays Madhubala as the biggest star in the world and she doesn't stay in the valley.

But I believe why do we need to compare these two bright stars up there in the sky.

These are true icons in their selves.

In an industry where female actors are still struggling to get the same recognition as their male counterparts, Madhubala was truly a unique phenomenon. She excelled in a variety of roles, at least in those that were available to female actors at the time.

But an overcontrolling father failed love with Dilip Kumar and ailing health, all these tragedies won't diminish her strengths and power she has on our hearts.

She still rules our hearts.

She is still a breadth a fresh air.

We all should take inspiration from Madhubala for has courage and bravery.

Her last days in solitude and her pain cannot be comprehended but her talent her work should be accomplished till the end of time.

Megan fox is yet another victim of Hollywood's misogyny and those vulgar comments in the press interviews.

The harassment that she went through just by voicing her opinions regarding Micheal Bay and Stephen Spielberg, gave her a nickname, dumb as a rock. She has been internationally slut-shammed just because these big men couldn't get her into their pants.

Even Taylor Swift used to get slut slammed as well just for dating and exploring as a normal teenager or a 20-year-old would.

Why do as a society we are afraid of ana independent women?

Megan has always been an independent opined woman, not so loved-characteristics traits in a woman.

Marilyn Monroe once famously said," Hollywood is a place where you get 100 dollars for a kiss and 50 cents for your soul."

I don't have a conclusion on this topic. We see it happening everywhere. Only the right education can change such demeaning attitudes towards women.

Women should be respected for who she is and their choices be or the career that she is in, the clothes that she wears, her countering opinions to their opinions, should not make them any less of a human.

Let her be herself, let her shine.


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